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时间:2024-08-17 20:13:10



英文慰问信 篇1

i’m sorry to learn/hear that?it is really a pity that you failed in?please don’t feel too much distressed(痛苦,紧张) for this frustration. all of us are waiting for your rapid recovery/return to health(恢复健康).please let me know of any assistance i can render you.

dear mr. john,

i am exceedingly(非常) sorry to hear that your father passed away.the painful

news reached us this morning, and we were so shocked that we could not at first realize

the fact.

this sad news has put me in full sympathy with(深切同情) you. your father was

an honorable man and tender parent. everybody who has known him must feel a great

loss caused by his death. i quite understand how you feel now, but you are in duty

bound to(有义务) look to your own heath and to take care of your family affairs. these

would be impossible if you indulge your feeling in grief.please accept the deep and true sympathy which is all i can offer.


英文慰问信 篇2


Dear Mr. Thompson,

I was extremely sorry to hear of the fire that destroyed your beautiful house. I know well how much that house meant to you and I hasten to offer my sympathy.

With best wishes to you both.

Sincerely yours,








英文慰问信 篇3

dear john,

i am shocked to hear that you have a severe influenza and now are in hospital. i get this news from your mother and know you must be absent for half a month from the classes. do be careful while you are ill.

don’t worry about your lesson and i am willing to help you learn it when you return. we are best friends so i will never allow you to fall behind.

you can watch television or listen to radio programs to help pass the time and forget your pains while you recuperate. i do hope that i can see you soon and bring you some funny cartoons.

if there is anything you need me to do, just let me know. we all miss you and shall be happy when you are back.

your truly,

li ming

英文慰问信 篇4

Dear Xuaying,

I am terribly sorry to hear that you are suddenly ill and hospitalized. I do feel much worried about your helath when I get to know that you received an operation last week. I hope that you have enough confidence to get over the illness since in my mind you are always a girl of strong will.

With the advanced medical facilities and experienced doctors in Xinhua hospital, I am convinced that you will soon recover. You know, your co-operation with doctors will be of much importance. I will come over to see you the other day and send you short messages via mobile phone every day. Wish you a quick and complete recovery.

Yours truly,

Li Ming

英文慰问信 篇5

I'm saddened to learn of the passing of your father.I extend my sincere condolence to your family.

Your father was a man of great strength both physically and in mind, but in him there was a gentleness. He found ways to be outgoing and kind.He worked hard to support your family. He was a hero.Strength and determination were the qualities of your father.

I send my thoughts and prayers to you, your family and all those who loved him.

英文慰问信 篇6

Dear Mr. Gokhale,

I’m writing this letter to congratulate you on your new post in New Delhi. I am very delighted to hear of your promotion after three exciting and hardworking years in Taiwan. The diligence and enthusiasm contributed a great deal to the economic ties between India and Taiwan.

It has been a great pleasure and privilege for me to have had the opportunity of working closely with you over the past three years. You have been one of the most capable representatives in Taiwan.

The cooperation and friendship that you so kindly extended to me has been most gratifying.

No doubt our paths will continue to crofrom time to time, and I look forward to maintaining close contact with you in your new capacity. Likewise, please let me know if I can be of help in Taipei.

At last, I would like, once again, to expremy sincere gratitude for your efforts to improve India-Taiwan trade and investment exchange and cooperation, and I wish you a prosperous and successful future.

  Sincerely yours,

英文慰问信 篇7

dear john,

get this news from your mother and know you must be absent for half a monthfrom the classes. do be careful while you are ill.

don’t worry about your lesson and i am willing to help you learn it whenyou return. we are best friends so i will never allow you to fall behind.

you can watch television or listen to radio programs to help pass the timeand you some funny cartoons.

be happy when you are back.

your truly,

li ming

英文慰问信 篇8

Dr./Prof. XX,I am saddened by the news that your wife passed away on ......Please accept my condolences.With deepest sympathy, my thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.May you be comforted by the outpouring of love surrounding you. XXX

英文慰问信 篇9


i was deeply saddened to learn of ____ (name a)’s death and i would like toexpress my sincere sympathy to you and your family on behalf of the seniormanagement team here at interconnect corp. your husband was highly respected bymanagers and employees alike throughout the entire company. he was regarded as avisionary leader by anyone who ever worked with him. ____ (name a)’scontributions to this company during his 27 years of dedicated and selflessservice were many and varied. in the early years he was a major part of ourinitial expansion overseas, and a number of the offices he set up in europe arestill operating very successfully. in recent years ____ (name a) was a keyplayer in our transformation to full digital technology, a move which catapultedus into a leadership position in the industry. believe me, his contributions tothis company will not be forgotten.

please accept my heartfelt condolences at this difficult time and i ask youto please pass these sentiments on to your children. your husband was aremarkable man in many ways. knowing him personally as i did for many years, iam well aware of the difference he made in the lives of many people, both herein the company, and in his private life. he will be missed by many. with sinceresympathy,

____ (name b)

president and ceo

英文慰问信 篇10

18 Chengtu Road

May 12, 1999

My dear Harold,

I have just received your letter telling me of your recent marriage. This happy event in your life prompts me to reply at once; and, in my own peculiar way , to attempt to offer you my hearty congratulations and good wishes.

Sometimes the question is asked: “Who is to be congratulated more, the Lady or the Gentleman?” In this case I would unhesitatingly answer both. There is an ol d sa ying: “True marriages are made in Heaven.” I hope this is so in your case, and consequently, there will be on looking?back with regret for either of you.

Before going further, please let me sincerely wish that Peace, Health, Happiness , and Prosperity may attend both your wife and yourself until the end. And now w hat can I or shall I say further? You know I have not as yet had much experience in hymeneal affairs, but I am a student; hence I read and observe, a nd endeavour to bring reason to bear upon earthly problems. It seems to me that co nnubial bliss, excellent and essential , is by no means the only requirement. Th ere is the great question of parentage. In this connection, I think it imperativ e that the character and physique of both father and mother should be as perfect as possible for scientific authorities assert that sons partake of the individu ality of the father , and daughters that of the mother. I must say no more , or you will conclude that I am a scientific man before my time.

With renewed good wishes, and kindest regards to you and your spouse.

Believe me,

Yours very sincerely,

